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it's christopher's graduation... [my younger brother]... buti na lang nagkita kami ni Eunwon, may nagamit kaming camera... mine was already busted... so it's really a good thing...^^
Ok, here is my story... U-KISS will be performing in SM North Edsa today at Annex this 5pm.
Plan is to go at 9am. But, as usual[filipino time...] we got to leave at around 10...
on the way there. . . w/ hyomi-nee, eunwon, sangra-nee and my lil sis soowook-ssi...^^
then, upon arriving there, it's almost 1:30pm... good thing we didn't encounter any traffic... and on the annex, where u-kiss will perform... GAWD, so many fans were already waiting on the event center... so there's this place in the middle after the VIP's area [w/c is the Exclusive Area]... where only fans that could buy their CD's will be able to enter that... and eunwon bought one... [no one can stop her! lol & yeah, take note! there's a free poster in every purchase of their CD]...
eunwon was the one in the lower middle wearing white shirt. . . ok I was wrong, that wasn't eunwon, it was another [it's b'cause you're wearing same shirt color...>_<]
here is eunwon... [inside the exclusive area...]
since we already expect it... we had no choice but to stay out of the border line... still happy though... we got the best spot... on our part...
everyone, don't loose your grip...
there's this bigscreen in front where they play all of U-Kiss' videos[Not Young, I like You, Man Man Ha Ni, & Bingeul Bingeul]
and everytime Man Man Ha Ni and Bingeul Bingeul plays, everyone sings along... it was really a hairstanding situation... and very overwhelming...^^ fellow KissMe's are JJANG!!!
and as soon as they arrive[around 4, I guess...] everyone went and soon enough, around qaurter to 5, after an almost four loooong hours of waiting[hours worth waiting~ ^^]...the party begun...^^
the 3 group girl... i think they were called, "3 young kitties" or whatever, performed before u-kiss went on stage...
and as soon as U-Kiss came up on stage,
everything from that moment becomes really AMAZING.... totally amazing~ SCREAMS were NONSTOP... fans voice calling out their names are everywhere...xD... my eyes were totally SET on KEVIN, ELI and SOOHYUN... they are all so dang gorgeous... Soohyun & Eli's body! Kevin's feminish aura! ....waaaah they keep replaying and replaying in my mind...>_<
they sang a total of 5 songs, they start of w/ Man Man Ha Ni, then, Talk To Me,As long As You Love Me, I Like You, then a little interview, and lastly Bingeul Bingeul...
this was an almost perfect day! the best and unforgettable day in my LIFE... well, yeah, it was... really UNFORGETTABLE... it's because, I LOST my phone w/out noticing it... =_=
but, u know what?? I don't feel sad or any... just a little, yes! but, not totally... Cause U-Kiss really made my year!! T^T... and yeah, it's better that I lost my cellphone, rather than my lil sis... cause I was the one holding at her...^^ no regrets at all~
and now, I was really planning to buy their CD, as soon as I get my money from mom... huhu... I so badly want it!...
and as soon as I bought it, I will definitely show it to you guys... [but, I really hope there's a sign from them ╥_╥]...huhu
oh and yeah... this coming MAY29... we'll be preparing for their major concert^^ but first, on APRIL 10th... it's SJ's moment...^^ hoho... so excited..
everything was just a disappointment...╥_╥... Today was the day appa needs to picked up hyomi-nee in manila, from her boarding house after a two long weeks of her duty[as a nursing student...]. So the moment we knew that U-kiss will be having a promotional tour in some places in manila[26-SM Megamall, 27-SM Clark Pampanga, 28-SM North Edsa], we decided to go along with them today... To save gas, time and chances...^^
on the way there
so we went around 3pm... and unexpectedly, we didn't know, well, yeah, we know that there will be traffic along the way, but we didn't expect it to be a heavy traffic.. we got stucked along the road for so many times... from laguna up to makati... the plan was, go-get-hyomi-nee-1st then go-next-to-where-ukiss-was... the time before the performance was 5pm... we arrived at hyomi-nee's boarding house at around 5:30pm... ¬_¬... so the final decision... don't go anymore..
from hyomi-nee's boarding house to megamall, was still too far.. gaaaah! so we leave no choice..
but we're not loosing any hope... there's still one more chance! ^^ on the 28th we'll make sure that we'll be able to go there without being late... papa even promise to send us there early... T^T kamsahamnida abeoji... just this once you made me happy... i mean US! hehe...
along the way from going there and back... we took a lot of pictures to lessen the depression from not seeing we stayed all the time inside the car... we just went out twice... when we arrived at the boarding house to help hyomi-nee with her bags, and we had a stopped in a grocery store to get something to eat... we're freaking hungry and tired.... plus the heat from earlier...
Today is Marvin's birthday... Happy Birthday!!!... Didn't get to see my other friends.. Labo kasi ng usapan.. ... But, I'm really glad that I made it...^^ next time na lang uli tayo magkitakita...hehe
Then, I went back home together with my lil sister, soowook-ssi... as we came home, i decided to go to sangra-nee's house to tell her about the *tomorrow's plan... and soowook tagged again with me... and while we were there, me and sangra-nee, played around with my sisters phone,,, and took some stupid shots... lol
here are those...
@ sangra-nee's room
my lil sis~ soowook-ssi...
and tomorrow is the day we've finally been waiting... *=U-Kiss in SM Megamall... sana talaga matuloy!
Last January, a news came out that Yesung and Sungmin of Super Junior , will gonna star in a musical titled Hong Gil Dong. Hong Gil Dong was originally a novel based on Korea’s version of Robin Hood during the Chosun Dynasty. The novel has been adapted into a musical.
Both Yesung and Sungmin recently gathered together for a press conference for the musical. In addition a promotional video for Hong Gil Dong has been released. The musical is scheduled to run from February 18th – April 18th.
Info credits to AllKpop dotcom Images credits to 10asia dotco dotkr
• • • gah! yesung looks so adorably cute in that long hair... T^T
This is my 4th Blog. I've started this blog around March this year. I wasn't planning on owning so many blogs
xD, but
it's just everytime i check on new blogskins, can't stop myself on making new one, instead of changing only just
skins xD.
-have you count how many times I've just said BLOG?? xD
Real name is ELLA. But they used to call me w/ my Korean name Sung Sang Wook.
21 years of age. Born on the 7th of June.
I live in Laguna, Philippines. Still staying under the same roof w/ my parents.
I love SUPER JUNIOR and SLR camera.
Addicted to K-Pop & J-Pop. Craves for fries and ice cream .
A graphic designer, stayHOMEgurL and yes, a DAYDREAMER... ^^
I hate my DAD for some reason...>_>
And also to Posers, Liars & Backstabbers Loves making friends and PROUDLY a *Camwhore
SLR Camera
LG Lollipop
Trip to Korea or Japan
Have my own bedroom
Learn new languages
Meet Super Junior♥ (SuperShow2
@ The Big Dome)
Meet U-Kiss♥ (on the last day of
their Mall tour @ SM North Edsa)
My Brother Graduated...
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
it's christopher's graduation... [my younger brother]... buti na lang nagkita kami ni Eunwon, may nagamit kaming camera... mine was already busted... so it's really a good thing...^^
Ok, here is my story... U-KISS will be performing in SM North Edsa today at Annex this 5pm.
Plan is to go at 9am. But, as usual[filipino time...] we got to leave at around 10...
on the way there. . . w/ hyomi-nee, eunwon, sangra-nee and my lil sis soowook-ssi...^^
then, upon arriving there, it's almost 1:30pm... good thing we didn't encounter any traffic... and on the annex, where u-kiss will perform... GAWD, so many fans were already waiting on the event center... so there's this place in the middle after the VIP's area [w/c is the Exclusive Area]... where only fans that could buy their CD's will be able to enter that... and eunwon bought one... [no one can stop her! lol & yeah, take note! there's a free poster in every purchase of their CD]...
eunwon was the one in the lower middle wearing white shirt. . . ok I was wrong, that wasn't eunwon, it was another [it's b'cause you're wearing same shirt color...>_<]
here is eunwon... [inside the exclusive area...]
since we already expect it... we had no choice but to stay out of the border line... still happy though... we got the best spot... on our part...
everyone, don't loose your grip...
there's this bigscreen in front where they play all of U-Kiss' videos[Not Young, I like You, Man Man Ha Ni, & Bingeul Bingeul]
and everytime Man Man Ha Ni and Bingeul Bingeul plays, everyone sings along... it was really a hairstanding situation... and very overwhelming...^^ fellow KissMe's are JJANG!!!
and as soon as they arrive[around 4, I guess...] everyone went and soon enough, around qaurter to 5, after an almost four loooong hours of waiting[hours worth waiting~ ^^]...the party begun...^^
the 3 group girl... i think they were called, "3 young kitties" or whatever, performed before u-kiss went on stage...
and as soon as U-Kiss came up on stage,
everything from that moment becomes really AMAZING.... totally amazing~ SCREAMS were NONSTOP... fans voice calling out their names are everywhere...xD... my eyes were totally SET on KEVIN, ELI and SOOHYUN... they are all so dang gorgeous... Soohyun & Eli's body! Kevin's feminish aura! ....waaaah they keep replaying and replaying in my mind...>_<
they sang a total of 5 songs, they start of w/ Man Man Ha Ni, then, Talk To Me,As long As You Love Me, I Like You, then a little interview, and lastly Bingeul Bingeul...
this was an almost perfect day! the best and unforgettable day in my LIFE... well, yeah, it was... really UNFORGETTABLE... it's because, I LOST my phone w/out noticing it... =_=
but, u know what?? I don't feel sad or any... just a little, yes! but, not totally... Cause U-Kiss really made my year!! T^T... and yeah, it's better that I lost my cellphone, rather than my lil sis... cause I was the one holding at her...^^ no regrets at all~
and now, I was really planning to buy their CD, as soon as I get my money from mom... huhu... I so badly want it!...
and as soon as I bought it, I will definitely show it to you guys... [but, I really hope there's a sign from them ╥_╥]...huhu
oh and yeah... this coming MAY29... we'll be preparing for their major concert^^ but first, on APRIL 10th... it's SJ's moment...^^ hoho... so excited..
everything was just a disappointment...╥_╥... Today was the day appa needs to picked up hyomi-nee in manila, from her boarding house after a two long weeks of her duty[as a nursing student...]. So the moment we knew that U-kiss will be having a promotional tour in some places in manila[26-SM Megamall, 27-SM Clark Pampanga, 28-SM North Edsa], we decided to go along with them today... To save gas, time and chances...^^
on the way there
so we went around 3pm... and unexpectedly, we didn't know, well, yeah, we know that there will be traffic along the way, but we didn't expect it to be a heavy traffic.. we got stucked along the road for so many times... from laguna up to makati... the plan was, go-get-hyomi-nee-1st then go-next-to-where-ukiss-was... the time before the performance was 5pm... we arrived at hyomi-nee's boarding house at around 5:30pm... ¬_¬... so the final decision... don't go anymore..
from hyomi-nee's boarding house to megamall, was still too far.. gaaaah! so we leave no choice..
but we're not loosing any hope... there's still one more chance! ^^ on the 28th we'll make sure that we'll be able to go there without being late... papa even promise to send us there early... T^T kamsahamnida abeoji... just this once you made me happy... i mean US! hehe...
along the way from going there and back... we took a lot of pictures to lessen the depression from not seeing we stayed all the time inside the car... we just went out twice... when we arrived at the boarding house to help hyomi-nee with her bags, and we had a stopped in a grocery store to get something to eat... we're freaking hungry and tired.... plus the heat from earlier...
Today is Marvin's birthday... Happy Birthday!!!... Didn't get to see my other friends.. Labo kasi ng usapan.. ... But, I'm really glad that I made it...^^ next time na lang uli tayo magkitakita...hehe
Then, I went back home together with my lil sister, soowook-ssi... as we came home, i decided to go to sangra-nee's house to tell her about the *tomorrow's plan... and soowook tagged again with me... and while we were there, me and sangra-nee, played around with my sisters phone,,, and took some stupid shots... lol
here are those...
@ sangra-nee's room
my lil sis~ soowook-ssi...
and tomorrow is the day we've finally been waiting... *=U-Kiss in SM Megamall... sana talaga matuloy!
Last January, a news came out that Yesung and Sungmin of Super Junior , will gonna star in a musical titled Hong Gil Dong. Hong Gil Dong was originally a novel based on Korea’s version of Robin Hood during the Chosun Dynasty. The novel has been adapted into a musical.
Both Yesung and Sungmin recently gathered together for a press conference for the musical. In addition a promotional video for Hong Gil Dong has been released. The musical is scheduled to run from February 18th – April 18th.
Info credits to AllKpop dotcom Images credits to 10asia dotco dotkr
• • • gah! yesung looks so adorably cute in that long hair... T^T