One Sunny day,,, when everyone was sleeping in the bright afternoon...
[And, I, was busy youtube-ing~ =_=]
Appa woke up, "everyone, wake up... let's go swimming!"
I said, "NOW??" (having deep thoughts)
[you know it's both a good thing and a bad thing~ GOOD, cause it will be refreshing after a swim; BAD thing is, it was already late afternoon~ =_=']
and yeah~ so I thought that...
but still...
I got no choice...
Kaja!~ So then, everyone prepared...
OK Ready!~
lolxD then, OFF we go~ then, upon arriving there... there were a lot of people already...
there's this cute long haired guy as well~ haha
[i really think i've seen him somewhere before~

anyways, back to the main topic...
time to change...

identities were left hidden!

then, after almost 3hrs of swimming~
we then took off, and went home...
since we still have other plan for this day...
It's Rhenz's birthday^^
생일 축하합니다!!!SO we went there, after~^^
here are some pics we took together~
Their identities were left hidden! 
it was really fun... we met some of rhenz's classmates from Letran~ ...^^
we ate delicious food... "grabe, nabusog ako! =_=' di tuloy ako nakakain ng Cake ng ayos~ T_T" but, I got to taste it at the end... hehehe...

miss my friend so much~ haven't seen her for a long time... though our houses we're only half a mile away... lol...haaa~ aigoo~
well then, that's all for now... I wanna sleep... so tired!
God, thanks for the fun day! ^^

Labels: Journal, Photos