WELCOME to my BLOG! Here you'll know mostly my dailys. What is me and what is not. But mostly, me being weird & stuff. If you have something against it. You are welcome to LEAVE anytime.
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And you'll see the comment link will appear like this. Oh and yeah, anyone who wants to affiliate with me, just leave me a tag alright?? Images: Cyworld | Wyona Host: blogger | photobucket Pixels: GG | Happyy-stop Reference: blogskins Others: Emoticons & Smilies: Tora-Dora | BabyDoll Pixels & Stuffs: Candied | HushStar-Lou Banners: TouchTheVelvetSk-y i'm sick AGAIN! attack of boredom I'm Back in the GAME!!! Bad Weekend~ I miss BLOGGING! Another year has gone by~ Will be on Hiatus~ I want to have this~ 7th Puricute Entry!! New Skin!
Friday, July 30, 2010 just got well from being sick... AGAIN!
and I don't want to... anymore! JEBAL! I've been bored whole of my life... so please, don't add up with my mishups~ Good thing today, I got back from using computer... my mom won't allow me earlier, saying I'm not well enough... but, can't take it anymore...>_< there's nothin' else to do??... Labels: Journal 10:11 PM | About My Blog.
This is my 4th Blog. I've started this blog around March this year. I wasn't planning on owning so many blogs
xD, but
it's just everytime i check on new blogskins, can't stop myself on making new one, instead of changing only just
skins xD.
-have you count how many times I've just said BLOG?? xD Previous Skins: Pixeled
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best viewed in MOZILLA FIREFOX kinda messy in Internet Explorer The navigations | V © wyona 2008 Webmiss.
Real name is ELLA.
But they used to call me w/ my Korean name Sung Sang Wook. 21 years of age. Born on the 7th of June. I live in Laguna, Philippines. Still staying under the same roof w/ my parents. I love SUPER JUNIOR and SLR camera. Addicted to K-Pop & J-Pop. Craves for A graphic designer, stayHOMEgurL and yes, a DAYDREAMER... ^^ I And also to Posers, Liars & Backstabbers Loves making friends and PROUDLY a *Camwhore Past Blogs.
Sangwook BangSsang (MAY'08 - AUG'09)The Real Thing (JAN'09 - JUL'09) Shi Ni Mo Mo De Ai (SEP'09 - MAR'10) WishList.
SLR CameraLG Lollipop Trip to Korea or Japan Have my own bedroom Learn new languages Meet TVXQ Meet Super Junior♥ (SuperShow2 @ The Big Dome) Meet U-Kiss♥ (on the last day of their Mall tour @ SM North Edsa)
Friday, July 30, 2010 just got well from being sick... AGAIN!
and I don't want to... anymore! JEBAL! I've been bored whole of my life... so please, don't add up with my mishups~ Good thing today, I got back from using computer... my mom won't allow me earlier, saying I'm not well enough... but, can't take it anymore...>_< there's nothin' else to do??... Labels: Journal Links Link ME.
Ctrl+C to copy the code: wanna be affies?? just leave me a tag. Affiliates.
A-B-C-D-EChesz | Eunhoon | Eunhye | Face down | Fizaa | Gohen | Hyemin | Hyomi | Jacque | Jerielle | Lhezs | Sangra | Sunyeonie | SweetLolita | TimelessCresendo with BANNERS. Tag me to apply for affies ;) |