WELCOME to my BLOG! Here you'll know mostly my dailys. What is me and what is not. But mostly, me being weird & stuff. If you have something against it. You are welcome to LEAVE anytime.
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And you'll see the comment link will appear like this. Oh and yeah, anyone who wants to affiliate with me, just leave me a tag alright?? Images: Cyworld | Wyona Host: blogger | photobucket Pixels: GG | Happyy-stop Reference: blogskins Others: Emoticons & Smilies: Tora-Dora | BabyDoll Pixels & Stuffs: Candied | HushStar-Lou Banners: TouchTheVelvetSk-y (Random Rant)minding someone else business!!! what a day~ exam week~ "Peaceful Mind" Sick and Tired of being SICK! i'm sick AGAIN! attack of boredom I'm Back in the GAME!!! Bad Weekend~ I miss BLOGGING!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010 "you were the one who selfishly entered my world, yet, you immediately plunged into silence. what where you thinking? did you really pick on me just because it's fun? which one of it is serious and which one of it is just a joke? that's enough now, making me all messed up like this..." -KWMS ch44pg31-32 c r a z y LiL t h i n g S. Labels: Journal, manga, quotes 12:00 AM | About My Blog.
This is my 4th Blog. I've started this blog around March this year. I wasn't planning on owning so many blogs
xD, but
it's just everytime i check on new blogskins, can't stop myself on making new one, instead of changing only just
skins xD.
-have you count how many times I've just said BLOG?? xD Previous Skins: Pixeled
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Real name is ELLA.
But they used to call me w/ my Korean name Sung Sang Wook. 21 years of age. Born on the 7th of June. I live in Laguna, Philippines. Still staying under the same roof w/ my parents. I love SUPER JUNIOR and SLR camera. Addicted to K-Pop & J-Pop. Craves for A graphic designer, stayHOMEgurL and yes, a DAYDREAMER... ^^ I And also to Posers, Liars & Backstabbers Loves making friends and PROUDLY a *Camwhore Past Blogs.
Sangwook BangSsang (MAY'08 - AUG'09)The Real Thing (JAN'09 - JUL'09) Shi Ni Mo Mo De Ai (SEP'09 - MAR'10) WishList.
SLR CameraLG Lollipop Trip to Korea or Japan Have my own bedroom Learn new languages Meet TVXQ Meet Super Junior♥ (SuperShow2 @ The Big Dome) Meet U-Kiss♥ (on the last day of their Mall tour @ SM North Edsa)
Tuesday, August 17, 2010 "you were the one who selfishly entered my world, yet, you immediately plunged into silence. what where you thinking? did you really pick on me just because it's fun? which one of it is serious and which one of it is just a joke? that's enough now, making me all messed up like this..." -KWMS ch44pg31-32 c r a z y LiL t h i n g S. Labels: Journal, manga, quotes Links Link ME.
Ctrl+C to copy the code: wanna be affies?? just leave me a tag. Affiliates.
A-B-C-D-EChesz | Eunhoon | Eunhye | Face down | Fizaa | Gohen | Hyemin | Hyomi | Jacque | Jerielle | Lhezs | Sangra | Sunyeonie | SweetLolita | TimelessCresendo with BANNERS. Tag me to apply for affies ;) |